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Autumn Breezes, Fresh Starts: Review and Rejuvenate Your Finances for the Year Ahead

Updated: Mar 14

As the crisp autumn air arrives, it brings with it a natural desire for renewal and change. This period of seasonal transition holds the perfect opportunity to extend that mindset to your finances. Just like decluttering your wardrobe or tidying up your home, autumn offers a prime time for an accounting and financial goals review.

Think of it as an autumn clean for your finances. Take a step back, assess your current position, and make adjustments to ensure you're on track for success in the remaining months of the year. Here's how:

1. Gather Your Documents and Statements:

Organise your bank statements, credit card bills, loan details, and any relevant financial documents. This comprehensive overview establishes a clear picture of your current financial standing.

2. Revisit Your Financial Goals:

Recall the financial goals you set for the year. 

Were they SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound)? 

Have your circumstances or priorities changed? This period allows you to re-evaluate and adjust your goals as needed.

3. Analyse Your Spending:

Track your expenses over the past few months. Categorise them to identify areas of overspending or potential savings opportunities. Utilise budgeting tools or apps to streamline this process.

4. Assess Your Debt:

Evaluate your outstanding debts, including interest rates and repayment terms. Consider exploring refinancing options to lower your monthly payments.

5. Review Your Investments:

Evaluate the performance of your investments and ensure alignment with your risk tolerance and financial goals. 

6. Plan for Upcoming Expenses:

Anticipate upcoming holiday spending, travel plans, or other significant expenses. Factor these into your budget and adjust your spending accordingly to avoid financial strain.

7. Seek Professional Guidance:

Consulting with Tru Advisory or financial advisor can provide valuable insights, personalised strategies, and tax optimisation advice. Remember, investing in professional guidance can often save you money in the long run.

Remember, reviewing and revising your financial goals isn't about feeling defeated. It's about embracing flexibility and proactively adapting to changing circumstances. By incorporating this "autumn clean" approach, you can ensure your finances are positioned for continued growth and success in the upcoming year.

Contact Tru Advisory today to discuss your financial goals and explore how we can assist you in achieving them. Let's make this autumn a season of financial clarity and positive change!

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